[보도자료] OCF코리아 포럼 2기 출범, 표준 확산 속도…천강욱 삼성전자 부사장 신임 의장
Posted on: 2021-06-09

사물인터넷(IoT) 분야 표준화 활동을 주도하는 'OCF코리아포럼' 2기가 출범한다. 천강욱 삼성전자 부사장이 신임 의장을 맡고, 김병훈 LG전자 전무가 부의장으로 참여한다. 포럼은 올해 표준을 확산하는 활동에 집중할 계획이다.

OCF코리아포럼은 17일 서울 베스트웨스턴 프리미엄 강남호텔에서 정기총회를 열고, 새 의장단을 선임하고 사업계획을 승인했다.

총회에서 신임 의장으로 천강욱 삼성전자 영상디스플레이(VD)사업부 부사장을 선임했다. 천 부사장은 VD사업부에서 선행개발팀장, 상품개발팀장, 차세대전략팀장 등을 역임했다. 초대 의장에 이어 2대 의장도 삼성전자가 맡게 됐다.

천강욱 OCF코리아포럼 신임 의장은 “OCF코리아포럼이 많은 일들을 하고 있으며, 국내외로 선도적 역할을 하고 있다”면서 “앞으로 포럼을 통해 실질적 사업화로 이어질 수 있도록 노력하겠다”고 말했다.

신임 부의장으로는 김병훈 LG전자 차세대표준연구소장 전무를 선임했다. 홍원빈 포항공대 교수와 김형준 한국전자통신연구원 본부장은 부의장을 연임했다.

<Executive Vice President of Samsung Electronics, Chun Kang-wook, who was appointed as the new chairman at the OCF Korea Forum's regular general meeting on the 17th>


Second term of OCF Korea Forum kicks off, standard picking up speed...Chun Kang-wook, executive vice president of Samsung Electronics, is the new chairman

Posted on: 2019-04-30

Date of Publication: April 17, 2019


The second term of the 'OCF Korea Forum', which leads standardization activities in Internet of Things (IoT) field, is going to be launched. Executive Vice President of Samsung Electronics, Chun Kang-wook, will be the new chairman, while Kim Byung-hoon, Senior Vice President of LG Electronics, will participate as vice-chairman. The forum plans to focus on activities to expand standards this year.

OCF Korea Forum held a regular general meeting at the Western Premium Gangnam Hotel in Seoul on the 17th to appoint a new chairperson and approve the business plan. At a general meeting, Executive Vice President, Chun Kang-wook of Samsung Electronics was appointed as a new chairman. Executive Vice President Chun served as  head of the leading development team, product development team, and next-generation strategy team in the VD Business Department in Samsung Electronics. Following the first chairman, Samsung Electronics continues its chairman position in the second term as well.

"The OCF Korea Forum is doing many things and plays a leading role at home and abroad," said Chun Kang-wook, the new chairman of the OCF Korea Forum. "We will make efforts that lead to practical commercialization through the Forum in the future."

Kim Byung-hoon of LG Electronics was appointed as the new vice-chairman Hong Won-bin, a professor at Pohang University of Science and Technology, and Kim Hyung-joon, head of the Korea Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, previously served as vice-chairmen. General Assembly also approved last year's business performance and this year's business plan.

At the heart of the Forum Action Plan is the expansion of OCF. As OCF standards are just beginning industry adoption,, its goal is to expand its base by actively promoting, marketing, and providing technical support.

The Forum Action Plan will develop business models led by forums to expand OCF-based products and services. It also plans to support the promotion and marketing of products and services by forum member companies.

It will also strengthen technical support to provide practical help to forum members. It is planning to solve language barriers for small and medium-sized businesses and venture business developers in South Korea by working on Korean translated versions of OCF's global standards. It also aims to narrow the differences in technical standards by conforming to national standards (KS). In addition, it will establish cloud servers to conduct OCF cloud-based standards testing and provide consulting and development sources for member company products and applications development. It is also planning to provide test and certification guides to revitalize OCF markets and promote certification.

As IoT application is spreading to all industries, efforts will be made to connect with industries other than electronics and IT, and activities to attract heterogeneous industries to forums will also be carried out.

OCF Korea Forum is a South Korean regional forum of 'Open Connectivity Foundation' (OCF), an international standardization organization for IoT. It was launched in 2016 as the world's first regional forum.


Kwon Gun-ho, an electronics industry reporter, wingh1@etnews.com

이 링크를 클릭하시면 전자신문 에서 전체 기사 읽기를 하실 수있습니다.
보도일 : 2019.04.17
(CES2019)LG전자, TV를 스마트홈 허브로 이용하는 OCF 제품 선뵈
Posted on: 2021-06-09

LG전자는 OLED TV에 최고의 해상도를 적용한 세계 최초 88인치 '8K OLED TV'를 공개한다.

‘홈 대시보드’ 기능을 이용하면 TV 화면을 통해 연동되어 있는 사물인터넷 국제표준인 OCF(Open Connectivity Foundation) 인증 제품들의 구동 상태를 한 눈에 확인하고 작동시킬 수 있어 편리하다. LG전자를 비롯한 전세계 400여개 업체들이 올해부터 이 인증을 받은 스마트 제품들을 본격 출시한다.


(Source: LG Electronics)


How will '8K OLED TV' by LGE look?


Posted on: 2019-01-04

Reporter Kim Seong-hwa approved. January 3, 2019 17:42

| 33 million pixels, delicate image quality, perfect black emphasis

| Upscaling image quality to Alpha9 2nd generation...Enhancement of functions for recognition of sound quality and natural language
(Source: shina daily news(http://www.shinailbo.co.kr)


LG Electronics is going to introduce the world's first 88-inch '8K OLED TV' that has the best resolution for OLED TVs.

According to LG Electronics on the 3rd, 8K OLED TVs can display more delicately because each pixel of 33 million pixels can be freely controlled. It expresses perfect black regardless of screen size and is the highest quality of TVs to exist.

LG Electronics is going to introduce not only 8K OLED TVs, but also 75-inch 8K Super Ultra HD TVs for the first time. LG Electronics is planning to strengthen its targeting of ultra-high-definition TV markets by putting 8K TV products first.

The 8K Super Ultra HD TV can express more colors accurately by adding a full array of local dimming technology to its 'Nano Cell' technology.

Fine molecules, measuring about 1 nanometer, adjust the wavelength of color to enable accurate color and clear picture quality from any angle. Not only does it increase the contrast ratio by placing LEDs tightly throughout the back of the screen and finely controlling LED light sources, but it also reduces the bezel, which increases the immersion of the screen.

LG Electronics is also going to introduce enhanced artificial intelligence functions at CES 2019. LG's AI TV is equipped with 'Alpha9 Gen 2', an artificial intelligence processor that was developed independently, to produce optimal image and sound quality. This processor will be used not only for 8K TVs but also for the 4K OLED TV W9, E9, and C9 series.

Last year, LG Electronics developed a second-generation Alpha9 processor by adding deep learning technology that analyzes more than one million video data based on Alpha9, a quality chip developed independently. This processor removes blemishes from videos and implements vivid and realistic image quality. By recognizing the background and objects in the screen, it increases the three-dimensional effect and makes the boundary of objects clearer.

LG's AI TV detects brightness of space where TVs are installed and automatically adjusts brightness of screen according to brightness of space. Even in bright places, the characters in dark-night-black-costumes are shown in more detail with clarity.

Alpha 9's second-generation processor, which is installed in 8K TVs, upscale images with 2K (1920x1080) and 4K (3840X2x160) resolutions with 8K level of clear image quality.

The quality of sound has also been greatly enhanced based on AI technologies. LG's AI TV is going to convert 2-channel sound into a virtual 5.1-channel sound. It recognizes the location of the TV in the entire space and plays balanced three-dimensional sound.

It also optimizes sound quality according to content such as movies, music and news. When a news video is released, the voice is heard more clearly and when watching a movie, the sound is raised as a whole.

LG Electronics is also going to support Amazon's voice recognition assistant "Alexa" for the first time this year, following its support of Google's artificial intelligence assistant "Google Assistant" last year. It plans to provide users with a stronger AI experience in cooperation with major service providers that account for more than 80 percent of the world's artificial intelligence platforms.

LG Electronics applied the 'Amazon Alexa' button to its remote control. Users can easily use Amazon's services by voice, making statements such as "Read the audio book" and "When will the coat ordered from Amazon be delivered?" while pressing the button. LG's AI TV's Alexa-linked function will be applied to major European and South American countries, including South Korea, in line with the expansion of Alexa's support countries.

Its natural language voice recognition function has also been strengthened. LG's AI TV remembers the context of the previous conversation and answers a series of questions. When a user presses the microphone button on the TV remote control and asks, "How is the weather today?" and asks, "Tomorrow?" continuously, the AI tells the user the weather tomorrow.

LG Electronics is planning to apply differentiated natural language voice recognition functions to 140 countries, doubling compared to last year.

In addition, using the 'Home Dashboard' function, it is convenient to check the operation status of OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation) certified products, which are international standards of the Internet of Things connected through TV screens. More than 400 companies around the world, including LG Electronics, will release smart products that have been certified starting this year.

"We will continue to provide new values to our customers through cooperation with Alexa and others as well as implementing differentiated image and sound quality through artificial intelligence technology," said Kwon Bong-seok, president of LG Electronics.


Reporter Kim Seong-hwa, shkim@shinailbo.co.kr

Copyright holder © Do not reprint or redistribute without permission from the Shin-A Ilbo


Source: Shin-A Ilbo (http://www.shinailbo.co.kr)

이 링크를 클릭하시면 신아일보 에서 전체 기사 읽기를 하실 수있습니다.
보도일 : 2019.01.03
[보도자료] OCF가 ISO/IEC JTC1 국제산업표준으로 공인받아 국내 산업계 의견이 적극 반영될 전망
Posted on: 2021-06-09

세계 사물인터넷80(IoT) 표준에서 한국이 주도권을 잡게 됐다. 한국기업이 주도하는 OCF가 ISO221/IEC JTC1 국제산업표준으로 공인받았다. IoT 국제산업표준 마련에 한국 산업계 의견이 적극 반영될 전망이다. 

오픈커넥티비티재단(OCF)은 OCF 1.0 규격이 ISO/IEC JTC 1 국제산업표준으로 비준됐다고 28일 밝혔다. 사실표준 가운데 IoT 상호운용성 강화를 위한 국제공식표준으로 최초 인정 받은 최초 사례다. OCF 1.0은 코어, 시큐리티, 브릿징, 리소스타입, 스마트홈411디바이스, 올조인 인터페이스 맵핑 등 총 6개 표준을 통합한 디바이스 간 통신 규격을 중심으로 구성됐다.

국내 산업계로서는 국제표준에 의견을 반영할 수 있는 통로가 확보됐다는 점에서 의미가 크다. ISO/IEC JTC1은 유엔 산하 ISO와 IEC 협력 그룹으로 세계 산업표준을 관장한다. 국제산업표준으로 비준되면 각국 산업표준으로 반영된다. 

OCF는 삼성전자와 LG전자를 비롯한 국내 기업과 연구기관이 주도하고 있다. 국내기업 요구사항이 ISO/IEC 산업 표준 제정에 반영될 통로가 마련된 셈이다.

업계 관계자는 “이번 비준으로 한국 기업이 세계 IoT 표준에 의견을 적극 개진할 수 있게 됐다”면서 “OCF 특허는 무상으로 공개되는 만큼 국내 중소기업이 IoT 제품 상용화에 있어 로열티 부담 없이 OCF 연동 제품을 상용화할 수 있다”고 설명했다.

OCF코리아포럼에서는 비준을 바탕으로 국가표준(KS) 부합화 표준 제정을 추진한다.

존 박 OCF 사무총장은 “국제표준화기구인 ISO/IEC에서 OCF 규격이 국제적으로 인정된 표준으로서 검증하고 승인해 매우 기쁘다”면서 “ISO/IEC 30118 국제적 보급과 OCF 인증기기로 지원되는 IoT 상호운용성을 강화하겠다”고 말했다. 

Korea to take the lead in international IoT standards:OCF 1.0 International Standard Recognition


Date of Issue: November 28, 2018


South Korea has taken the lead in global IoT standards. OCF, led by South Korean companies, has been recognized as an I/IEC JTC1 International Industrial Standard. It is predicted that expertise from South Korean industries will be reflected in international standards for IoT industries.

The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) announced on the 28th that OCF 1.0 standards have been ratified as ISO/IEC JTC1 international industry standards. This is the first case that was recognized as an international standard. OCF 1.0 is composed of standards for communication between devices that incorporate six specifications such as core, security, bridging, resource input, device, and Alljoyn interface mapping.

For South Korean industries, it is meaningful in that they have secured a channel that can reflect opinions on international standards. ISO/IEC JTC1 is a UN-affiliated ISO and IEC cooperative group that oversees global industry standards. If it is ratified as an international industry standard, it will be reflected as an industry standard of each country. OCF is being led by South Korean companies and research institutes including Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics. In other words, a channel has been set up for South Korean companies' requirements to be reflected in the ISO/IEC industry standards.

"With this ratification, South Korean companies can actively express their opinions on global IoT standards," said a representative for an industry. "As OCF patents are released free of charge, South Korean small and medium-sized businesses can commercialize OCF-based products without any royalty." OCF Korea Forum is planning to enact standards that conform to KS (National Standards) based on ratification.

OCF's Executive Director John Park said, "I am very happy that the International Organization for Standardization, ISO/IEC, has approved OCF standards as internationally recognized standards."


Reporter Lee Young-ho youngtiger@etnews.com

이 링크를 클릭하시면 전자신문 에서 전체 기사 읽기를 하실 수있습니다.
보도일 : 2018.11.28
[보도자료] HDC현대산업개발, OCF와 양해각서 체결…공동주택에 글로벌 IoT표준 최초 도입
Posted on: 2021-06-09

HDC현대산업개발은 19일 용산 본사에서 OCF(Open Connectivity Foundation) 글로벌 임원진과 공동주택 IoT 표준화를 위한 기술협력 및 공동마케팅을 위한 양해각서를 체결했다고 밝혔다.

OCF는 IoT 세계 표준화를 위해 결성된 국제표준기구로, OCF표준은 IoT제품 간 연동을 위해 마련된 국제 기술규격이다. OCF재단은 삼성전자·LG전자·인텔·브로드컴·마이크로소프트(MS)·델·소니·퀄컴 등 450여개 글로벌 기업이 참여하고 있다. 특히 사물인터넷 기기 설치 및 이용이 표준 프로토콜을 통해 손쉽게 이뤄진다. HDC현대산업개발은 지난 5월 전 세계 건설사 중 최초로 OCF 회원사로 가입한 바 있다.

이번 양해각서 체결로 아이파크 브랜드 주거시설과 모델하우스에 OCF(Open Connectivity Foundation)의 기술 지원, 공동 마케팅을 통한 스마트 홈 생태계 확산에 협조하기로 했다.

권순호 HDC현대산업개발 대표이사는 “OCF와 같은 국제 규격의 IoT 기술 적용으로 가정의 모든 기기들을 간편하게 연결하여 사용자가 해당 서비스를 자연스럽게 이용할 수 있는 차원 높은 홈 IoT 서비스를 제공할 수 있게 되기를 기대한다”고 전했다.

한편, 이날 행사에는 권순호 HDC현대산업개발 대표이사, 박준호 OCF 상임이사, 최상만 OCF코리아포럼 비즈분과위원장 등이 참석했다.


Kwon Soon-ho, CEO of HDC Hyundai Industrial Development, and John Park, Executive Director of OCF, signed a business agreement to use the global IoT standard platform. Photos. ⓒHDC Hyundai Industrial Development.


HDC, Hyundai Industrial Development, signed an MoU with OCF:Introduction of global IoT standards for multi-family housing for the first time


Input 2018.09.19 16:00 Correction 2018.09.19 16:07 Won na rae Reporter

Posted on: 2018-10-11

| Join OCF as the first construction company in the world in May


HDC, Hyundai Industrial Development, announced on the 19th that it signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation) executive director for technical cooperation and joint marketing for IoT standardization in apartments.

OCF is an international standards organization that was formed to standardize the IoT globally, and OCF standards are international technical standards designed to connect IoT products. OCF currently has 450 global companies participating such as Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Intel, Broadcom, Microsoft (MS), Dell, Sony and Qualcomm. In particular, the installation and use of Internet of Things devices are easily carried out through standard protocols. HDC, became the first development company in the world to join OCF in May.

With the signing of this memorandum of understanding, the company decided to provide technical support for OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation) to residential facilities and model houses of the I-Park brand and  will cooperate in expanding the smart home ecosystem through joint marketing.

Kwon Soon-ho, CEO of HDC Hyundai Industrial Development, said, "We hope that the application of IoT technology of international standards such as OCF will make it easy to connect all devices in the home to provide a high-level home IoT service that allows users to use the service easily."

Meanwhile, Kwon Soon-ho, CEO of HDC Hyundai Industrial Development, John Park, Executive Director of OCF, and Choi Sang-man, chairman of OCF Korea Forum Biz Subcommittee, attended the event.


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이 링크를 클릭하시면 데일리안 에서 전체 기사 읽기를 하실 수있습니다.
보도일 : 2018.09.19
[보도자료] 'OCF Korea 개발자 경진대회' 개최
Posted on: 2021-06-09

사물인터넷80 사실표준화기구 OCF(Open Connectivity Foundation)는 'OCF Korea 개발자 경진대회'를 지난 11일 코엑스에서 열었다고 13일 밝혔다. 

이번 행사는 OCF가 주최하고 OCF코리아포럼(의장 도영수), 한국스마트홈411산업협회(회장 한종희), 한국전자통신연구원(원장 이상훈), 한국정보통신기술협회(회장 박재문), DT&C(대표 박채규)가 공동 주관했다. 

경진대회는 사물인터넷(IoT) 서비스 아이디어를 구현하고, 개발자에게 OCF 기술 적용 기회를 제공하기 위해 마련됐다. 이날 결선대회에는 예비심사를 거쳐 본선에 오른 13팀이 출전했다. 발표평가와 시연평가를 거쳐 금상1팀과 은상 및 동상 각각 2팀을 선정했다.

금상(상금300만원)은 인공지능 양방향 도어캠으로 현관에서 사용자 얼굴을 인식, 자동으로 디바이스를 작동하는 시나리오를 구현한 '울트라파워'팀(삼성전자 조순용 등 3인)이 차지했다.

은상(상금100만원) 2개 팀은 'Commax IoT'팀(코맥스 하용구 등 2인)과 '1Radian'팀(비트교육센터 학생 유승훈 외 4인)이 수상했다. 동상(상금50만원)은 '바이텔스'팀(바이텔스 박찬용 외 3인)과 'AirOCF'팀(LG전자 김용성)이 수상했다. 

도영수 OCF 코리아포럼 의장은 “OCF로 실제 제품과 서비스를 적용하기에 앞서 기술을 미리 경험하거나 기기 간 연결성을 체험하는 소중한 기회”라면서 “실제로 개발에 적용할 수 있는 아이디어를 나누는 정보공유 장으로도 의미가 크다”고 말했다.


<OCF Korea Developer Competition. The winner took a commemorative photo.>


OCF Korea Developer Competition took place...Gold prize, Ultra Power


Posted on: 2018-10-11

Date of Issue: September 13, 2018


OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation), a standardization organization, announced on the 13th that it held an OCF Korea Developer Competition at COEX on the 11th. The event was hosted by OCF and co-hosted by OCF Korea Forum (Chairman Do Young-soo), Korea Industrial Association (Chairman Han Jong-hee), Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Director Lee Sang-hoon), Korea Information and Communication Technology Association (Chairman Park Jae-moon) and DT&C (CEO Park Chae-kyu).

The competition is designed to implement ideas for Internet of Things (IoT) services and provide developers with opportunities to apply OCF technologies. Thirteen teams that passed preliminary screening advanced to and participated in the finals. After a presentation and a demonstration evaluation, one team for gold and two teams for silver and bronze were selected.

The gold prize (three million in prize money) was won by the Ultra Power team (three people including Cho Soon-yong of Samsung Electronics), which recognized the user's face on the porch and automatically operated the device.

The two teams winning the Silver Prize (one million in prize money) were awarded to the COMMAX team (two people including Ha Yong-gu) and the  Radian team (four people including Yoo Seung-hoon, a student at the Bit Education Center). The bronze prize (prize money of $500,000) was won by the "ByTels" team (Park Chan-yong and three others) and the "AirOCF" team (LG Electronics’ Kim Yong-sung).

"It is a valuable opportunity to experience technology and connectivity between devices before applying actual products and services with OCF," said Do Young-soo, chairman of OCF Korea Forum. "It is also a meaningful place to share information and ideas that can be applied to actual development."


Reporter Lee Young-ho youngtiger@etnews.com

이 링크를 클릭하시면 전자신문 에서 전체 기사 읽기를 하실 수있습니다.
보도일 : 2018.09.13
[보도자료] 삼성-LG-하이얼-일렉트로룩스, IoT 생태계 조성 협력(OCF, 상호인증 등 표준 개발…4사 내년부터 관련제품 출시)
Posted on: 2021-06-09

글로벌 가전기업 삼성전자와 LG전자, 일렉트로룩스, 하이얼과 사물인터넷(IoT) 표준단체 오픈커넥티비티재단(OCF)는 30일(현지시간) 독일 베를린에서 각사 IoT기기 간 상호운용성과 사용자 경험을 지속 발전시키는 공동 노력을 강화하겠다고 밝혔다.

OCF도 인증서 기반 상호인증 방식과 공개키 구조(PKI) 기반 보안 기능, 클라우드 연동 기능표준 규격 개발을 완료해 400여개 회원사 제품 간 안전한 상호운용 기술을 제공할 계획이다.

IoT업계는 그동안 표준 부재로 업체들 제품 간 호환성이 보장되지 않고 IoT 시장이 제한적으로 형성되는 문제가 있었다.


OCF는 강화된 PKI 보안 기능과 안전한 클라우드 연동 기능 표준화를 완료해 제조사 간 상호운용성을 보장하는 IoT 기기 생태계 기반을 구축하겠다는 전략이다. 해당 기업들은 이날 열린 OCF 미디어 행사를 통해 상호 운용이 가능한 OCF 인증 제품 및 솔루션을 오는 2019년부터 출시할 계획이다. 400여개 OCF 회원사들이 참여하는 강력한 OCF 표준 생태계 생성과 ‘IoTivity’ 오픈소스 코드를 포함한 개방형 IoT 표준을 지속 진화시키는 모멘텀으로 삼겠다는 입장이다.


IDC 글로벌 스마트홈 디바이스 분기 보고서(IDC Worldwide Quarterly Smart Home Device Tracker)에 따르면 올해 해당 기업들이 주도하는 세계 스마트홈 디바이스 시장 규모는 약 5억5천만대로 예상된다.

메튜 페리(Matthew Perry) OCF 의장은 “오늘 삼성전자와 LG전자, 일렉트로룩스, 하이얼이 보여준 OCF에 대한 신뢰와 향후 계획은 빠르게 확산되는 IoT 디바이스, 솔루션 및 서비스 생태계에 있어 상호운용성을 높이고자 하는 OCF 비전을 다시 한 번 강조한 것”이라며 “업계가 오랫동안 요구해 온 IoT 표준을 통해 이들 업체들을 중심으로 IoT시장이 구현되는 것은 정말 흥분되는 일”이라고 강조했다.



OCF Chairman Matthew Perry (from left), LG Electronics President Park Il-pyeong, Samsung Electronics Executive Vice President Lee Hyo-gun, Yoo Won-ting, COO of Haier, and Jan Brockman, COO of Electrolux.(Photo = Samsung Electronics)


Samsung-LG-Haier-Electrolux Cooperates in Creating an IoT Ecosystem


Posted on: 2018-08-31

OCF to develop certification; four companies will release related products beginning next year.

Input: 2018/08/3106:59

Global home appliance manufacturers Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Electrolux, Haier and Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) announced on the 30th (local time) that they will strengthen their joint efforts to develop interoperability and user experience among IoT devices.

OCF is also planning to provide secure interoperability technology between 400 member companies' products by completing the development of certificate-based mutual authentication method, PKI-based security function, and cloud-connection in the standards.

The IoT industry has had a problem in which compatibility between companies' products was not guaranteed due to the absence of standards.

OCF will offer a standard that guarantees interoperability between manufacturers by completing standardization based on enhanced PKI security and a secure Cloud-to-Cloud interface.

OCF's PKI security model and cloud capabilities allow users to register devices from various manufacturers in their cloud accounts and remotely control or monitor them with a single mobile application. PKI provides secure connections between OCF-Certified devices and prevents device forgery or data security risks.

Marta Munoz, IDC Europe, mentioned that, according to recent research on IoT, the biggest challenge for IoT builders and companies is security integration. OCF's announcement on this day is welcome in the industry. He added, "It will greatly help manufacturers planning IoT businesses with confidence."

OCF Board members Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Electrolux and Haier are actively leading OCF standardization to secure compatibility between IoT products and solve difficulties faced by IoT service, solution, and device manufacturers.

The companies plan to release OCF-Certified products and solutions that can be interoperable through OCF beginning in2019. It aims to create a strong OCF standard ecosystem involving more than 400 OCF members, and use it as momentum to continue to evolve open IoT standards, including the OCF 'IoTivity' open-source code.

According to IDC Worldwide Quarterly Smart Home Device Tracker, the global smart home device market led by the companies is expected to be about 550 million units this year.

"The trust in OCF shown by Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Electrolux and Haier today and future plans are once again emphasizing OCF's vision to enhance interoperability in the rapidly expanding IoT device, solution and service ecosystem," said Matthew Perry.

Lee Hyo-gun, executive vice president of Samsung Electronics, said, "Samsung Electronics believes that OCF is a key factor in integrating fragmented IoT markets and enabling products from different companies to be interoperable."

"LG Electronics is applying artificial intelligence (AI) to all products that customers use every day at home, car, and office," said Park Il-pyeong, president of LG Electronics. "We are happy to provide customers with better value of life that is connected intelligently by utilizing OCF, a common IoT industry standard."

이 링크를 클릭하시면 지디넷코리아 에서 전체 기사 읽기를 하실 수있습니다.
보도일 : 2018.08.31
[보도자료] IoT 표준화 기구 OCF, 국내 개발자 지원 위한 경진대회 개최
Posted on: 2021-06-09

사물인터넷80(IoT) 표준을 주도하는 OCF(Open Connectivity Foundation)의 코리아포럼이 '2018 OCF Korea 개발자 경진대회'를 개최한다고 23일 밝혔다. 
이번 경진대회는 최근 확산하는 IoT 다양한 서비스 아이디어를 구현하고, 개발자에게 OCF 기술 적용 기회를 제공한다. 

참가자는 OCF 1.3 이상 표준을 준수하는 다양한 기기와 관련 서비스 아이디어를 구상해 제안한다. 아이디어 구현에 활용 할 수 있는 오픈소스를 교육받아 소프트웨어(SW)를 개발하면 된다. 

응모는 고등학생 이상이면 누구나 가능하다. OCF코리아포럼 홈페이지에서 양식을 다운받아 지원하면 된다. 4인 이하 팀으로 구성 가능하다. 

결선 대회와 시상식은 오는 9월 11일, 서울 강남구 코엑스에서 OCF 코리아데이(Korea DAY) 행사와 더불어 진행한다. 수상작 중 5점을 선정한다. 최우수상 300만원, 우수상 200만원, 장려상 100만원 등 총 600만원 상금을 지급한다. 상용화 지원을 위한 프로그램 참여 기회도 제공한다. 

OCF코리아포럼 관계자는 “이번 개발자 경진대회에서 IoT 분야에 종사하는 개발자와 더불어 소스코드를 개발하는 학생에게 OCF 표준을 경험하는 기회를 제공할 것”이라면서 “OCF 제품을 개발하는 회원사가 제품·서비스 실제 구현을 체험하는 좋은 기회가 될 것”이라고 말했다.


OCF, IoT Standardization Organization, holds a competition to support domestic developers


Posted on: 2018-07-25

Date of Issue: July 24, 2018


OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation) Korea Forum, which leads the Internet of Things standard, announced on the 23rd that it will hold the "2018 OCF Korea Developer Competition."

This competition implements various home IoT service ideas that are expanding recently and provides the opportunity to developers with real OCF experience.

Participants devise and propose various devices and related service ideas that comply with OCF 1.3 or higher standards. It is necessary to develop software (SW) after receiving training on open-source that can be used to implement ideas.

Applications are open to anyone above high school students. You can download the form from OCF Korea Forum's homepage and apply for the competition. It can be composed of teams with less than four people.

The finals and awards ceremony will be held along with the OCF Korea Day event at COEX in Gangnam-gu, Seoul on September 11. Five of the award-winning works will be selected. A total of six million prize money awarded, including three million for the grand prize, two million for the excellence prize, and one million  for the encouragement prize; It also provides opportunities to participate in programs to support commercialization.

An official from OCF Korea Forum said, "We will provide opportunities for developers working in IoT fields and students developing source codes to experience OCF standards." "It will be a good opportunity for member companies that develop OCF products to implement products and services."

OCF is an organization that leads global IoT standards and the OCF Korea Forum plays a role in Korea. It introduced standards for Cloud-based OCF 2.0 last month. It is also planning to release standards in Korean within this year


Reporter Byun Sang-geun sgbyun@etnews.com

이 링크를 클릭하시면 전자신문 에서 전체 기사 읽기를 하실 수있습니다.
보도일 : 2018.07.24
[보도자료] 사물인터넷 표준 OCF 2.0 공식 발표...한글판 연내 나온다
Posted on: 2021-06-09

오픈커넥티비티재단(OCF)이 사물인터넷(IoT) 표준인 OCF 2.0 버전을 발표했다. 클라우드 규격을 적용해 스마트폰을 활용한 IoT 기기 제어가 가능해졌고, 헬스케어 기기도 표준 대상 기기에 포함했다. OCF코리아는 연내 국내 중소기업이 표준을 이해하기 쉽도록 OCF 표준 2.0 한글판을 선보인다. 

OCF 2.0에서 가장 큰 변화는 클라우드 관련 규격이 표준에 포함됐다는 점이다. 기존에는 집 안에서 와이파이(Wi-fi)를 이용해 OCF 규격을 적용한 IoT 기기 제어·등록이 가능했지만 이제는 클라우드를 활용해 집 바깥에서도 IoT 기기를 제어·등록할 수 있다. 한 예로 스마트폰을 활용해 냉장고의 온도를 조절하는 등 서비스를 만드는 것이 가능해졌다.

사용자가 타계정을 이용해 OCF 규격을 적용한 IoT 가전 기기에 접근하는 것이 가능하다. 예를 들면 페이스북·네이버 계정으로 IoT 기기를 등록·제어할 수 있다. 와이파이로 기기 검색·등록도 쉬워졌다. 클라우드 기반 서비스에 대한 외부 침입을 차단하기 위한 보안 규격도 표준화했다.

OCF 규격을 적용하는 대상기기 수도 늘었다. 혈압측정장치·스마트체중계·체온계·혈당측정장치 등 헬스케어 기기와 3D프린터, 무선인식장치(RFID) 광학리더기 등 규격을 신규 개발했다.

OCF 2.0이 나오면서 IoT 기기 연동 서비스 개발이 활발해질 전망이다. 클라우드 관련 규격이 포함되면서 IoT 기기를 관리·제어하는 범위가 대폭 확대됐기 때문이다. OCF코리아는 2.0 버전 한글판을 연내 발표해 국내 기업 활용도를 높일 예정이다.


OCF 2.0 Internet of Things Standard Announced...The Korean version will be released by the end of this year

Posted on: 2018-07-12

Date of Issue: July 12, 2018

OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation) announced OCF 2.0, which is the standard of IoT. Using a Cloud-to-Cloud interface, IoT devices can be controlled by Smart Phones. Healthcare devices are also included in standard devices. OCF Korea is going to introduce a Korean version of OCF 2.0 within the year so that small and medium-sized South Korean businesses can have better access to the standards.

According to Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) Korea on the 12th, OCF Global officially announced the OCF 2.0 standard on the 29th of last month.

OCF 2.0 includes cloud, Wi-Fi and security standards. OCF standards are international standards developed by OCF, an organization that leads the global standardization of IoT devices. Global businesses such as Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Intel, Microsoft, and Qualcomm participated to create these international standards. IoT products that have OCF standards can be connected regardless of manufacturers. OCF 1.0 version was released in September last year, and the following version, OCF 1.3.1, was released in February this year.

The biggest change in OCF 2.0 is that cloud-related features are included. Previously, IoT devices that used OCF standards could be controlled and registered using Wi-fi in the home, but now IoT devices can be controlled and registered outside the home by using the cloud. For example, it has become possible to create services such as controlling the temperature of refrigerators by using smartphones.

Users can access IoT home appliances that have OCF standards using other accounts. For example, IoT devices can be registered and controlled through Facebook and Naver accounts. It is also easier to search and register devices through Wi-Fi. OCF 2.0 also standardizes security specifications to block external intrusion into cloud-based services.

The number of devices that OCF standards can support has also increased. It has newly developed standards including healthcare devices such as blood pressure measuring devices, smart weighing systems, thermometers, and blood glucose measuring devices, 3D printers, and RFID (Radio Recognition Device) optical readers.

With the introduction of OCF 2.0, it is expected that the development of IoT  services will become more active due to the extended scope of managing and controlling IoT devices by cloud. OCF Korea will announce the 2.0 version in Korean by the end of this year.

An official of OCF Korea said, "OCF 2.0 can be used to control IoT devices outside of the homebased on Smartphones. South Korean manufacturers favored this approach and there is high hope that it will be adopted in commercial products. We will announce the Korean version by the end of this year to help small and medium-sized businesses in Korea," he said.


Reporter Byun Sang-geun sgbyun@etnews.com

이 링크를 클릭하시면 전자신문 에서 전체 기사 읽기를 하실 수있습니다.
보도일 : 2018.07.12
글로벌 IoT 표준 한글판 나왔다…OCF 한글버전 배포
Posted on: 2021-06-09

글로벌 사물인터넷80(IoT) 표준인 'OCF 1.0'의 한글판이 나왔다. OCF 표준이 영어외 언어 버전이 나온 것은 한글이 처음이다. 한글버전이 나오면서 표준에 맞춘 제품 개발에 어려움을 겪던 국내 중소기업과 벤처기업 등도 쉽게 IoT 제품을 개발할 수 있게 됐다.

OCF코리아포럼은 OCF 1.0 표준 한글버전 개발을 완료하고, 국내에 배포했다고 13일 밝혔다.

OCF 표준은 IoT 분야 세계 표준화 단체인 '오픈커넥티비티재단(OCF)'이 개발한 국제 표준이다. 삼성전자와 LG전자, 인텔, 마이크로소프트, 퀄컴 등 글로벌 기업 주도로 OCF 1.0을 만들었고, 지난해 국제 표준으로 채택했다. 코어프레임워크, 인터페이스, 데이터 모델, 스마트홈디바이스 메시지 프로토콜, 브릿지, 보안 등 6개 규격으로 구성했다.

OCF 표준을 적용하면 제조사가 다른 IoT 기기라도 상호 연동한다. 예를 들면 삼성전자 IoT 냉장고와 LG전자 IoT 세탁기를 연동하는 것이 가능하다. 하지만 영문으로 기술해 중소기업 등이 활용하기 어려웠다. 

OCF 표준의 한글화는 OCF 첫 국가 단체인 OCF코리아포럼이 주도했다. OCF코리아포럼은 국내 IoT 산업 활성화를 위해 표준 제정 직후 한글화 작업에 착수했고, 최근 한글화를 완료했다. 

OCF 1.0 표준 한글버전이 나오면서 국내 IoT 중소기업과 스타트업 등이 제품을 개발하기가 한결 쉬워질 것으로 기대된다. 그동안은 영어버전만 있어서 대기업 위주로 표준을 적용해왔다. 

OCF코리아포럼은 OCF 한글버전의 한국산업표준(KS) 인증을 추진할 계획이다. KS 표준이 되면 보다 많은 기업이 OCF 표준을 사용할 것으로 기대된다.


The Korean version of the global IoT standard has been released...OCF distributed of Korean version


Posted on: 2018-03-13

Date of Issue: March 13, 2018


Korean version of 'OCF 1.0', which is a global Internet of Things (IoT) standard, has been released. It is the first case of a non-English version of OCF. With the release of the Korean version, small and medium-sized South Korean companies and venture companies can take  advantage of the Smart Home language, which will provide a more efficient development environment.

OCF Korea Forum announced on the 13th that it completed the development of the Korean version of OCF 1.0 and distributed it in South Korea.

OCF standards are international standards developed by the 'Open Connectivity Foundation' (OCF), a global standardization organization for IoT. OCF 1.0 was developed under the leadership of global companies such as Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Intel, Microsoft, and Qualcomm and adopted as an international standard last year. It is composed of six standards such as core framework, interface, data model, device message protocol, bridge and security.

If OCF standards are used, manufacturers can interconnect IoT devices from any brand. For example, it is possible to connect Samsung Electronics' IoT refrigerator with LG Electronics' IoT washing machine. However, the English version was more difficult for small and medium-sized businesses to use  due to its language barrier.

The Korean version of the OCF standard was led by OCF Korea Forum, the first regional organization of OCF. OCF Korea Forum started working on a translation into Korean right after OCF had the official version of the specification, in the hopes that it will vitalize South Korea's IoT industry.

With the introduction of the OCF 1.0 standard in Korean, it is expected that it will be easier for small and medium-sized companies to develop products. So far, large companies were the ones that developed OCF products, thus less difficulty dealing with language.

OCF Korea Forum is planning to push for KS certification of OCF (Korean version). It is expected that more companies will adopt OCF standards if the certification of KS for OCF is available in Korean.

"The distribution of Korean version of OCF standards is aimed at making it easier for South Korean industry to adopt IoT standards and develop products," said a representative for OCF Korea Forum. "It is expected that South Korea's IoT ecosystem will grow even more if KS standards are approved in the future."

Meanwhile, OCF is trying to ratify the OCF 1.0 standard as an official international standard and it expects that it will be registered in the International Organization for Standardization soon.

"We have proposed OCF standards to 'ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee (JTC1)' as standards, and we received ISO/IEC standard number for OCF. We are currently getting positive reviews from countries and it may become the international standard as early as next month." said a representative for OCF Korea Forum.

Kwon Gun-ho, Electronics Industry Reporter wingh1@etnews.com

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보도일 : 2018.3.13
삼성-LG 'IoT 표준' 단일화 눈앞...400개사 참여
Posted on: 2021-06-09

삼성전자와 LG전자가 참여하는 글로벌 사물인터넷 표준화 기구 OCF(Open Connectivity Foundation)가 몸집을 더 불렸다. 양사는 자사 가전제품에 대해 연내 OCF 인증을 마치고 내년 CES에서 선보일 계획이다.


10일 장석진 OCF코리아 비즈니스분과위원회 부위윈장(삼성전자 책임)은 서울 코엑스 E홀에서 열린 'OCF 데이' 행사를 통해 "지난 추석 연휴 기간 중 글로벌 OCF에 가입한 회원사수가 400개를 넘었다"고 전했다. 올해 3월 OCF코리아 출범 당시 330개던 글로벌 회원사수가 7개월만에 20% 이상 증가한 것이다. 이 분야 협의체로는 세계 최대 규모다. 


장 책임은 "OCF가 글로벌 넘버원(협의체) 위상을 굳혀가고 있다"며 "OCF 인증을 통해 새로운 사업 모델을 만들어 나갈 수 있을 것"이라고 말했다. 이어 "지난달 IFA 삼성전자 부스에서는 냉장고, 에어컨, 청소기, 블라인드 등 자사 및 타사 제품이 OCF 규격을 통해 연동하는 시나리오를 선보인 바 있다"고 소개했다. 아울러 "내년 1월 CES에서 IoT 시나리오를 선보일 것"이라며 "삼성전자는 이달 25일과 26일 서울 R&D캠퍼스에서 각기 다른 10개사의 사물인터넷 제품을 연동하는 시험을 진행할 것"이라고 말했다.


그동안 가전 시장에는 IoT 통합 표준이 없었다. 소비자들은 동일한 제조사의 제품끼리만 연동이 가능했다. 그러나 OCF 인증을 받은 회원사 가전·IT제품 간에는 상호 연결성을 보장한다. 현재로서는 OCF 표준이 글로벌 IoT 단일 표준으로 굳어질 가능성이 높다. OCF는 최근 모바일 서비스 관련 연합체인 OMA(Open Mobile Alliance)와도 업무협약을 체결했다.


삼성전자는 올해 안으로 TV, 세탁기, 오븐, 로봇청소기, 공기청정기 등 모든 가전제품에 OCF 인증을 받고 내년 출시하는 제품에 OCF 요구사항(스펙)을 기본으로 갖춘다.


LG전자도 현재 OCF 스펙을 적용한 냉장고와 스피커를 개발 중이다. 최근에는 자체 스마트홈 플랫폼인 '스마트씽큐'의 개발자 사이트도 개방했다. 구글, 아마존 등 글로벌 공룡뿐만 아니라 스타트업, 중소기업 등에도 문을 연 것. 사이트에 가입하는 개발자들은 LG전자의 스마트홈 파트너가 되며 LG전자 가전제품과 연동하는 IoT 기기를 만드는 데 기술지원을 받는다. LG전자는 개발자들이 LG전자의 스마트홈 파트너라는 것을 알릴 수 있도록 ‘Works with SmartThinQ’ 로고도 허용한다.


이병주 LG전자 책임연구원은 "스마트홈은 혼자 살아남을 수 있는 사업 영역이 아니다"라며 "이미 올해 출시한 모든 가전제품에는 (연동을 위한) 와이파이를 탑재했고 OCF 인증도 받을 예정"이라고 밝혔다. 그는 동시에 "LG전자는 열린 협력, 개방형 플랫폼, 개방형 연결 등을 전략으로 스마트홈 생태계를 확장하고 있다"고 강조했다. LG전자는 파트너들이 제공하는 다양한 아이디어들을 결합하면 스마트홈 분야에서 시너지 효과를 낼 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다.




Samsung-LG 'IoT Standard' Unification nearing...400 companies participated

Posted on: 2017-10-12

| OCF membership increased by 20 percent within the last seven months, and certified products will be launched at CES next year.

Article Input: October 10, 2017 11:39, Last modified: October 10, 2017 11:39


[Newspim = Hwang Se-joon Reporter] The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF), a global Internet of Things standardization organization including Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics, has grown significantly in size. Both companies are planning to introduce their home appliances at CES 2018after completing OCF certification by the end of this year.

Jang Seok-jin, vice chairman of OCF Korea's Business Subcommittee, said on the 10th, "The number of members who joined the global OCF during the Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) holiday exceeded 400 during the 'OCF Day' event held at COEX E Hall in Seoul."

The number of global members increased by more than 20 percent in seven months, initially from 330 members when OCF Korea was launched in March2017. This marks OCF as  the largest consultative body in the world.

"OCF is solidifying its status as a global number one (consultative body)," Jang said. "We will be able to create a new business model through OCF certification."

Samsung Electronics Family Hub Refrigerator <Photo=Samsung Electronics>


Last month, in the IFA Samsung Electronics booth, Samsung introduced a scenario in which its products and third-party products, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, and blinds, were connected through OCF standards.

"Samsung Electronics will introduce IoT scenarios at CES in January next year," he said. "Samsung Electronics will conduct tests to connect ten different IoT products at R&D Campus in Seoul on the 25th and 26th of this month."

Until now, there have been no integrated standards for IoT in-home appliance markets. Consumers could only connect products from the same manufacturer. However, OCF guarantees interconnection between member companies' home appliances and IT products that are OCF Certified.

Currently, there is a high possibility that the OCF standard will be solidified as a single global IoT standard. OCF recently signed a business agreement with Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), an association related to mobile services.

Samsung Electronics will receive OCF Certification for all home appliances such as TVs, washing machines, ovens, robot vacuum cleaners and air purifiers within this year and will have OCF requirements (specs) based on products that will be released next year.

Internet of Things Semiconductor 'Exynos i' <Photo=Samsung Electronics>


LG Electronics is also currently developing refrigerators and speakers that have OCF specifications. Recently, it also opened a developer site for its smart home platform called 'Smart ThinQ'. This opened its doors not only to global dinosaurs such as Google and Amazon but also to startups and small and medium-sized businesses.

Developers who subscribe to the site become LG Electronics' smart home partners and receive technical support to create IoT devices that are connected to LG Electronics' home appliances.

LG Electronics also allows the 'Works with Smart ThinQ' logo to let developers know that they are LG Electronics' smart home partners.

"Smart Home is not a business area that can survive alone," said Lee Byung-joo, a senior researcher at LG Electronics. "All home appliances that have already been released this year have Wi-Fi and will be certified by OCF."

At the same time, he emphasized that LG Electronics is expanding its Smart Home ecosystem through open cooperation, open platforms and open connections.

LG Electronics expects that combining various ideas provided by partners will create synergy in the smart home field.

Harman AI speaker Allure <Photo = Harman homepage>


[Newspim] Hwang Se-jun Reporter (hsj@newspim.com)

이 링크를 클릭하시면 뉴스핌 에서 전체 기사 읽기를 하실 수있습니다.
보도일 : 2017.10.10
[보도자료] 한국전력, 전력업계 최초로 OCF 글로벌 가입 OCF, 표준화 기술 규격 통해 IoT 제품 간 연동성 확보
Posted on: 2021-06-09

 글로벌 기업 주도의 사물인터넷 사실표준화기구인 오픈커넥티비티재단(OCF)가 지난달 29일 OCF 표준 1.0을 발표했다고 11일 밝혔다. 

OCF 표준 1.0은 OCF 참여 회원사 주도로 다양한 사물인터넷 제품 간 연동성 확보를 위해 마련된 기술 규격이다. 코어프레임워크, 인터페이스, 데이터 모델, 스마트홈디바이스 메시지 프로토콜, 브릿지, 보안 등 총 6가지의 스펙으로 구성돼 있다. 

국내에서는 지난 3월 OCF의 세계 최초 지역 포럼으로'OCF코리아포럼(OCFK)'이 공식 출범했다. 포럼의 초대 의장은 도영수 삼성전자 전무이며 의장단은 LG전자, ETRI(한국전자통신연구원), 포항공대로 구성됐다. 이 외에 한국전력, MDS테크놀로지, 모다정보통신, 엔텔스, 브로드웨이브, 에스디시스템, TTA, 디티앤씨 등이 임원사로 활동하고 있다. 이들은 OCF Spec 1.0의 한글화버전 제공, 기술교육, 시험·인증지원 및 가입사에서 개발한 OCF 제품에 대한 홍보 활동도 추진 중이다. 

도영수 의장은 "OCF의 정식 스펙이 공개됐으므로 국내외 OCF 적용 제품이 크게 확대돼, 사물인터넷 분야의 사실상 표준으로 자리잡게 될 것"이라고 말했다.

OCF 표준 1.0 공개와 관련한 공식 인증프로그램은 올해 10월부터 시작될 예정이다. 국내에서는 OCF 공인시험소로 지정받은 한국정보통신기술협회(TTA)와 디티앤씨에서 담당할 계획이다. 

OCF코리아포럼에서는 스마트홈 분야에서의 OCF 적용 활성화를 위해 포럼에 참여하는 중소기업들의 다양한 제품 및 서비스를 포함하는 비즈니스 모델도 개발 중이다.

한편 지난 6일에는 한국전력이 전력업계에서는 세계 최초로 OCF 글로벌에 가입했다. 동시에 국내 포럼에 임원사로도 활동을 시작했다. 이에 따라 OCF는 에너지 사물인터넷 분야로도 시장을 확대했다. 한전 관계자는 "자체 개발한 에너지 사물인터넷 플랫폼에 OCF 표준을 연계함으로써 향후 국민들에게 에너지 효율화, 수요관리 등의 에너지 통합 솔루션 제공이 가능할 것"이라고 말했다. 

현재 OCF와 oneM2M은 상호 연동이 가능하도록 기술적 협력을 하고 있으며, JOOE(Joint OCF/oneM2M Ecosystem) 프로젝트를 통해 상호 디바이스 프로토콜 및 데이터 모델을 맞춰 나가는 활동을 진행하고 있다. 

시장조사 기관인 가트너가 지난 2월 발표한 보고서는 전세계 사물인터넷 관련 시장 규모는 2017년 1조7천억달러에서 2020년 2조9천억달러로 성장하고, 연결기기는 약 204억개에 이를 것으로 전망하고 있다. 



KEPCO joins OCF Global for the first time in the electricity industry

Posted on: 2017-10-12

Yoon Sun-hoon Reporter Input 2017.07.12 08:00 | Modified 2017.07.12 09:21


| OCF secures interworking between IoT products through standardized technology specifications

The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF), an organization led by global companies to standardize on the Internet of Things, announced on the 11th that it released OCF Standard 1.0 on the 29th of last month.

OCF 1.0 is a technical specification designed to secure interworking between various IoT products led by OCF member companies. It consists of a total of six specifications: core framework, interface, data model, smart home device message protocol, bridge, and security.

In Korea, OCF Korea Forum (OCFK) was officially launched as the world's first OCF regional forum in March. The first chairman of the forum is Do Young-soo, senior vice president of Samsung Electronics, and the committee consists of LG Electronics, ETRI and Pohang University.

In addition, KEPCO, MDS Technology, Moda Information and Communication, Entels, Broadwave, SD System, TTA and D&C are operating as executives. They are also promoting the Korean translated version of OCF Spec 1.0, technical education, test and certification support, and promotional activities for OCF products developed by subscribers.

Chairman Do Young-soo said, "As the OCF's official specifications have been released, domestic and foreign OCF-based products will be greatly expanded, making it a de-facto standard for the Internet of Things field."

The official OCF Certification Program forOCF 1.0 will be released in October this year. In Korea, TTA (Korea Information and Communication Technology Association) and DTC, which are designated as OCF's certified laboratories, will take charge of the project.

OCF Korea Forum is also developing a business model that includes various products and services from small and medium-sized companies participating in the forum to promote OCF application in the smart home field.

Meanwhile, KEPCO joined OCF Global for the first time in the electricity industry on the 6th. At the same time, a member from KEPCO started working as an executive at a forum in Korea. As a result, OCF has expanded its market into energy.

An official of KEPCO said, "By integrating OCF to the self-developed energy Internet of Things platform, we will be able to provide total energy solutions such as energy efficiency and demand management to the public in the future."

Currently, OCF and oneM2M are working together technically to enable interworking and are engaged in activities to align inter-device protocols and data models through the JOOE (Joint OCF/oneM2M Ecosystem) project.

A report released in February by market research firm Gartner predicts that the global Internet of Things market will grow from $1.7 trillion in 2017 to $2.9 trillion in 2020, with about 20.4 billion connected devices.


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보도일 : 2017년 07월 12일
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